
electronic musician, sound/visual artist. based in Beijing, China.
mulian has creative in electronic music, sound art, video, concert pieces, and live performances. His music joins electronica, ambient, experimental, and soundscape, patching together various elements such as electronic music, strings music, natural sounds, noises and human voice samples, and many other elements were mixed with special narratives of psychological monologue, creating a unique style of post-rock and quality and undemonstrative eastern spirit. most of his video works are taken onsite. they are selected from a large amount of raw documentations to present a visual scape fraught with psychological implications. His on-site performances emphasize building the atmosphere and aura, and he tried to blend sound and visual to the space and environment, as well as to foreground the multi-layered sensory and mental clashes and associations. In addition to personal creative projects, he has also created original scoring to independent films, documentary films and animations ect… in 2011, he participated in the creation of XY Records, always organized the concerts, publications, and interdisciplinary live performances.


电子音乐家,声音/视觉艺术家 从事电子音乐、声音艺术、影像、现场表演及电影配乐。
音乐融汇电子、氛围、实验、音景,采用电音、弦乐、自然界声响、噪音及人声 采样等多种元素拼贴与相互交织,加之独特的心理独白式叙事结构,凸显其特有 的后摇气质和静潜于内的东方精神。
其现场表演注重氛围与气场的营造,尝试声音、视觉与空间、环境之间的相互融 合,强调多重感官与内心思绪的触碰和发散。
2011 年,参与创建 XY Records,并组织策划音乐出版及现场演出活动。